It amuses me that words seem like solid things, but are really no more solid than thoughts.  Words are energy.  For thousands of years, we’ve assigned meanings to words.  Yet, a dictionary is seen as an objective source for reference.  Don’t get me wrong here.  When I’m in Italy, I will be using a dictionary to supplement the bit of Italian I can recall from my high school class.  That will help me get around, but if I’m going to have a heart to heart with a Neapolitan local, using a dictionary isn’t going to take me quite as far.

Communication is mostly non-verbal.  This has become common knowledge.  What does this really mean?  Communication is vibrational.  You can pick up on vibes more easily than through the words used.  We’ve all heard this one: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”  Ahem, this is about vibration.  Whoa, so this whole everything is energy thing isn’t some out-there idea to insult organized religion and give us false hope that dreams come true?

Pets understand vibration.  They don’t really understand your words the way you may think they do.  Your pets translate the vibration of the words you use.  They know the vibration of their name.  They get the vibration of the way you are talking to them.  Have you tried to train a dog with absolutely no confidence in your voice?  Did it work?  Of course not!  Your voice is taken as the vibration of it and if that vibration is aligned with uncertainty, then Fido is not going to roll over.

What about parenting?  You know when you should not give in to a tantrum.  You stay firm on your decision of no means no.  Turning a no into a yes will send the message that if a child persists, they will get what they want.  Consider this- speaking with conviction means you are holding the more dominant vibration, which is basically what tells a child that you are firm.  Think about it.  It’s never that you said no.  It’s not really if you said it loudly or quietly, either.  It’s that you said it with the clear and focused vibration of certainty.  When we say no but have that underlying feeling of guilt associated with sometimes saying no, that is when the child can pick up on it and will persist on his own vibration to dominate yours.  Guess which vibration becomes prevalent?  The dominant one.  That’s why you see patterns of children dominating and patterns of parents dominating.  Go to France and see how children are raised.  I think it will make sense pretty quickly.

With words being translated energy, it is comprehensible why the bible can bring up controversy.  This is a compilation of texts that have been translated from so long ago.  First, the person writing the text translated God’s message.  That’s already one translation that was limited to one person’s vocabulary.  Then, over a very long period of time, the same content has been translated by languages.  Some of you may remember my example of the word “hope”.  Hope means something very different to us today than it did in ancient times.

The meaning of any word is in its intention.  Take a person who has never left the Bronx and place him before the Queen of England, and if everything depended on words (even though the languages are not completely different), you’re in for some misunderstandings.  His concept of how to address someone is going to be different than what she is used to.  At that point, a good way to communicate would be for them to pick up on each other’s vibration and understand the intention behind words and accept that they are influenced by very different norms.

When Michael Richards used the “n-word” in a rant at the Laugh Factory, reporters scoured the streets interviewing people and even running internet polls on whether or not the n-word is okay to use or not, particularly in hip hop music and between friends.  As expected, answers were so varied, depending on the way the word was used- the context, the version of the word, and who was using it with whom.  All that buzz and research, when I think everybody understands deep down inside that it is subjective, like everything else.  Sure, they can try to ban a word, but a generation that doesn’t even see it as an insult will not get it, because as far-fetched as it may seem to someone of an older generation, the younger individual may have no negative association with the word and even thinks it’s a term of endearment.  Do you teach the younger person that this is a bad word?  Or do you change the meaning of the word?  Better yet, can you change the meaning of the word for everybody?  The meaning of the word vibrates differently, based on personal associations.

My take is to not make fuss over who used which word.  It’s the intention behind it that matters.  If we are only interested in the good, when someone says something to or about me, I am likely to take it in a positive way.  Assuming that people are picking on us and focusing on energy that does not serve us much is really counter-productive and it is amazing what happens when you assume the best.  In fact, when you are aligned with a higher frequency, whichever words you encounter will be ones that make you feel good, because that is where you are vibrating.  At that point, words don’t even matter so much.  You are biased toward bliss.


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